My cat sitter, Karen, called me up with my first “case,” a four-month-old kitten named Tigger. He arrived on April 24, 2001.
He is a splendid cat with a confident, outgoing personality. He is very friendly and well-adjusted, and so he adjusted to his new home rapidly. He was quite a handful; he rarely stopped moving. Besides racing around at full speed, he loves to chase. When I introduced him to my collection of little furry mice, he was ecstatic. He didn't even need me to play with him. He was quite capable of amusing himself playing soccer with the mouse. He was even able to "fetch." When I threw a mouse for him, he would pick it up in his mouth and bring it back to me.
Within a few weeks, a friend of mine inquired about Tigger. I delivered him to a home that already had two long-established cats. Neither cat seemed eager to accept him, but Tigger was unfazed. He has been renamed “Kenny” by his new owner.
During the time he was here I managed to take a few pictures of him. He wasn't a very cooperative model, but I managed to catch him in a rare stationary moment.

I went to visit Kenny in his new home in March, 2003, and found that he had matured into a handsome and splendid fellow. Here are a few snapshots of him taken that day.