Adventure Paper!
Are you a writer craving real adventure, yet you can’t bear to leave the couch? If this sounds like you, have I got something for you! It’s a terrific new product called Adventure Paper from National Geographic. Finally, there’s a paper that can handle your insatiable thirst for adventure. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, Adventure Paper is right there for you in the thick of the action. Just think what heights Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Hunter Thompson, J.D. Salinger (how did he get in there?) could have achieved if they had Adventure Paper!
Adventure Paper can help even if you never have any real adventures. In fact, you’ll never again need to experience the inconvenience of real adventure. Anything you write using Adventure Paper—no matter how boring—will be transformed into Real Adventure.
Let’s face it. Writing is an adventure. At least it is for me—I never know what's going to happen next when I sit down to write. So, no matter what kind of writer you are, switch to the only paper that can handle your unquenchable lust for life—Adventure Paper!
Available in standard letter as well as legal size for lawyers seeking adventure. Adventure Pen sold separately.