These Kids Today: Thanksgiving 2008
Is it too late for a Thanksgiving recap post? I think not! After all, you’re all still eating leftovers, right?
We went to my brother’s house on Thanksgiving (armed with only a coconut cream pie) and discovered that my niece and nephew cooked the entire dinner themselves. I just wanted to say how proud I was of them both for tackling such a big job and pulling it off so well.

Andrew was in charge of the turkey.

The bird is ready for its closeup.

Making gravy.

My brother squeezed between them just long enough to whip up some hollandaise.

Anne carved expertly.

My plate, loaded with everything except the salad.

Note the Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA in the foreground; my brother has good taste in beer.
Anne and I cooked our own Thanksgiving dinner on Black Friday (she did most of the work) and on Saturday we packaged everything up and drove to New York for a gathering with her side of the family.

Our menu included turkey with stuffing and gravy, of course, as well as mashed potatoes, acorn squash, Belgian endive salad, rustic Italian bread and several bottles of wine.