First Honey Harvest
Anne reaped the sweet rewards of her beehive yesterday with her first honey harvest, extracting about two gallons. Her hive is more about supporting a bee colony for its pollinating benefits in the garden than in honey production, but the bees are workaholics and make way more honey than they need. For more details, read her post all about it.

OK, everybody, tall jars in the back. Everybody squeeze in close. Good. Now say “bees!”
I'm drooling here.
Posted by Mark on August 26, 2006 at 3:20 PM
That looks scrumptious. And a good deed, indeed. From what I read, hinyebee populations are dwindling. Yum.
Posted by Frank on August 26, 2006 at 8:25 PM
That looks sooooo good. I love honey.
(Great lighting too, btw! Your photo makes that honey look especially good.)
Posted by seadragon on August 27, 2006 at 7:35 PM
Mark, Can I put you down for a half-pint then? :-)
Frank, Yes, honeybees are not native to the US, and although there are wild colonies of bees, they have been in decline because of mite infestations.
Seadragon, Thanks! I tried backlighting through the honey, but didn’t like it as much.
Posted by Tony on August 28, 2006 at 10:45 PM
I'll trade you some jam for some honey. I have black plum, white plum, and a couple of other varieties that I made before breaking my wrist. (In other words, I have no peach jam and it's breaking my heart)
Posted by Melissa on August 31, 2006 at 10:14 AM
Pierre MARECHAL Apiculteur écrivain
38 Ter, Chemin Reboul Ligne des Bambous
( Ile de la Réunion )
☎ 02 62 25 40 02
EMail :
Object: demand of photos with written authorization to publish apicoles photos
Sir, I appear at you: I am a small beekeeper on the Island of Reunion and prepare a work on the bees which should be born in 2009 My question is the following one, to illustrate the chapter stake in jar of the honey I look for some dumped on the conditioning(packaging) of the honey.
In summary would have you beautiful 2 or 3 dump high resolutions 300dpi to illustrate the subject of the conditioning(packaging) of the honey (put in jar) as well as your authorization has to reproduce clichés(pictures). Under every cliché(picture) will be mentioned your name and web site
To take(bring) out her(it) of this last one, I am going to see to it to inform you about it. I cannot assure(insure) you a copy of the work because this step(initiative) of free ventilation(breakdown) of books(pounds) is of the only spring(competence) of the publisher(editor). However it will be doubtless possible to me to send to you the page or will represent your clichés(pictures)
Sincerely Yours.
Posted by marechal on November 24, 2008 at 7:54 AM