Philadelphia Flower Show 2008
I always enjoy the Flower Show in part because we work in a nice pub dinner either before or after. Back in the day (before I got into beer), we used to go to Independence Brew Pub. I am mildly curious about Field House, which replaced it, but in no hurry to go there, so we decided to go to McGillin’s, a place that has been patiently waiting for our custom since 1860. It was our first time there, and I’m sure we’ll be back. When I am in the neighborhood, I usually go to Fergie’s, which is a little more visible. Choice is good.
The theme this year was Jazz It Up; let’s go to the pictures:

The Peter Dugan trio was playing when we arrived (although they were long gone when I took this, obviously); this is the Chihuly-designed piano.

Many of the exhibitors jazzed up their displays by placing instruments in the landscape, such as the guts of this piano.

Brass instruments are just pipes after all and make wonderful fountains, don’t you agree?

Another fountain incorporating all the brass instruments.

A New Orleans-style parade wound through the crowd at one point.


Aw, mouse drummers. Kyoot!
McGillin's has Beamish on tap I'm told!
Posted by albert on March 9, 2008 at 6:52 PM
Albert, Yes, and that's what I had. Good!
Posted by Tony Green
on March 10, 2008 at 6:49 AM
I really enjoyed your photos, especially the brass fountain. I missed out this year since I was sick. Bummer cause I loved the jazz theme.
Posted by Jessica on March 16, 2008 at 5:16 PM