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Rogue Amoeba released new software that—in a way—I’ve been using for almost two years. It’s something called Radioshift, which lets you record radio shows in a variety of formats for playback later. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time and it’s the reason I bought Rogue Amoeba’s Audio Hijack back in early 2006. I use it like Radioshift to record about a half-dozen shows a week, usually in conjunction with VLC. Audio Hijack can even record up to three shows at once (using VLC, iTunes, and QuickTime Player), something it isn’t clear that Radioshift can do (although I’m sure it must).

Regardless, it’s the station guide that sets Radioshift apart: “The Guide has over 50,000 listings for radio stations and programs to which you can listen, and it's fully-searchable.” Yikes, that should keep you busy. That’s just great, but I’m not really looking for more shows; I’m looking for more time.

Although Rogue Amoeba has had a teaser page up for some time, I actually found out about the final release via Daring Fireball. It is “TiVo for radio” indeed.